I Create In 2024


I'd like to share a manifestation ritual I've made my New Year's tradition: a burning bowl ceremony. I've been doing this ritual for over a decade now. In that time, I've learned how powerful our words can be to create the intention necessary to bring us closer to our life's purpose, dreams, and deepest desires.

I like to do this on New Year's Eve, but it can certainly be done on New Year's Day or any other day throughout the year. It's a way to release all the negative "stuff" we hold onto throughout the year — and release them from having a hold over us. It's also a way to manifest things into your life by taking a moment of self-reflection and putting thought and energy into what you really want for yourself. This ritual is your own private, unapologetic, personal manifestation almanac to release into the realm of possibilities and reference back to over time.


You must ask yourself, "What would I like to release from 2023? What would I like to create in 2024?"


On paper, write out all the things that no longer serve you or that you would like to release. It could be related to fears, guilts, regrets — anything you view as unfavorable. These negative feelings you carry may be from the past year or older emotional wounds that still need healing. Allow yourself to really dig into what has weighed heavy upon your heart. This is your moment, to be honest with yourself. This is for your eyes only. There's no judgment here. Just pure, unadulterated self-reflection.


After you finish writing, fold the paper, place it in a large glass bowl, and burn it in the bowl outside somewhere safe so it won't blow away. If you can't burn the paper where you are located, you can also tear it up into tiny pieces and place them in the bowl. Sometimes, I prefer this over the smell of burning paper. If you are burning the paper, visualize the gray smoke carrying away all the negativity you've held onto for so long into the Universe for transmutation. If you're tearing up the paper, tear it up into as many pieces as possible and throw it away. Visualize the tiny pieces of paper as a fine powder that turns smokey to release negativity like the burning.


Take a deep breath in and imagine a pink light surrounds you. As you inhale, visualize the pink light flooding your entire physical body. Hold your breath momentarily while envisioning all the things you want to release. Then, release your breath, visualizing it as a grey mist coming from your mouth. Repeat this until you feel any pressure released from your heart center. This should be an emotional release as you breathe away all the negative emotions associated with what was written on the burned or torn paper.


Write out everything you want to create and accomplish in 2024 on a new paper.

Examples of how to start out:

In 2024, I create...

Spirit, please guide me in creating in 2024...


Write everything in the present tense. Such as:

I am prosperous...

I have joy...

I have a healthy, loving relationship...


After writing your 2024 intentions, fold the paper and hold it between both your hands, visualizing a white light flowing from your hands and into the paper.


Silently say a prayer asking your higher power to assist you with your creation in the year ahead.


Place your folded paper into an envelope and seal it tight. On the front of the envelope, write, "I create in 2024."

Now, the Hard part...

Put the envelope in a safe place and pull it out next New Year's Eve or one full year after completing this ritual. Wait to look at it again until then. Forgetting what you wrote will allow your higher self to attract the people and circumstances necessary for your desires to come to fruition.

Next year...

Open the envelope and see how much your written intentions have come true! I've been so amazed in the past at the things I forgot I had written down that manifested or were currently in progress because of this exercise.

When we visualize the life we desire, we give energy to something greater that can turn our dreams into reality. The Universe is mysterious, and much remains unknown about the power of our minds to shape the world. Therefore, releasing negative thoughts and focusing on positive outcomes is essential to achieve happiness. By writing down what we want in the present tense, we imagine our lives as if those things are already true, without any doubts or worries. We're in control of our destiny and mustn't underestimate our power to manifest our desires into reality. It's an art that requires practice and is similar to prayer. May you experience prosperity, abundance, and love in 2024 and beyond.

I wanted to share a final thought with you: the word "abracadabra" is commonly known as a phrase used by magicians. However, the word actually originates from Aramaic, and when translated into English, it means "I Create As I Speak." This concept highlights the power of our words to manifest our reality. By being mindful of the words we use, we can create positive change in our lives.


Spirit Dream Visitation