Spirit Inspired Acts of Kindness

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As we begin to close the chapter on the calendar year, we often reflect on it, the celebrations, the time spent with family and friends. However, 2020 has been a challenging year for most. Let’s face it, we’ve all experienced a change in our lives one way or another. Losing the ability to connect with people in person and experience that human connection has many of us feeling flat, hopeless, or as if there is no end in sight to the isolation. Over years of channeling, Spirit often reminds me that there is no time or space on the other side— really there isn’t here either but it’s hard for us to see that. It’s a reminder that we don’t actually have to be in the same physical space to connect with one another. We are all connected on an energy level all the time. Energy is limitless and just hearing the sound of someone’s voice or seeing one’s smiling face on FaceTime can give us that same feeling of peace and connectedness. Even just thinking of someone connects us to their energy. How many times have you thought of someone and then received a text of phone call shortly after? Personal connection can come in many different forms, if we allow ourselves to recognize it.

 The same is true for the spirit world. They are not disconnected from us. We fall into despair when we lose someone we love because they are not physically here anymore. We can’t share a laugh, a cry, or hear their voice. But they are in a different form is all, that prevents them from communicating with us in the same way. All is not lost though. They communicate with us in quiet ways, subtle ways, in ways that we don’t even realize. Spirit uses us as messengers, whether we are aware of it or not. How many times have you been inspired to help someone in need? It may feel like an invisible nudge to take action. Your rational mind may try to talk you out of it, but your spiritual side pushes you into it. Perhaps you gave a compliment to someone in line ahead of you or you buy someone’s coffee behind you. Maybe you feel drawn to a charitable organization or to help raise awareness or money for an important cause. Sometimes it’s as simple as opening the door for someone as they enter a building. These are all acts of love and kindness. Believe me the other side plays a part in them. Let me give you an example.

Sally felt lost in her life after her husband passed away only to lose her son a short time afterward. She didn’t have much family left and her way of dealing with her grief was to self-isolate—what so many of us do during hardships. Her whole world shifted on a cold Fall day when she had to leave the house for groceries and other necessities. Feeling unheard and unseen, Sally tried her best to be invisible as she checked out of the store. And then it happened, she reached for her purse and realized she had forgotten it at home, a 20-minute drive in the snow. Little did she know Spirit would be working in the background to assure her she was never alone. The young man behind her in line noticed what was happening and pulled his credit card out to pay for her goods. He insisted, and not only that, he also helped Sally out to her car and kindly unloaded the bags for her into her trunk. As she went to thank the young man, she noticed he was about the same age as her son who passed away. She then asked him for his name; it was Brian. Her heart raced. This was her son’s name. She met him the day that she did not want to leave the house because it hurt too much to have to put on a happy face for others. She wanted to be invisible, but life circumstances forced her out of her self-inflicted emotional cocoon. And what about Brian? He was making a quick stop before heading home to visit with his dad who was also alone, someone he felt needed the company. Something within Brian motivated him to stop at that precise moment and to also get behind Sally in line. This is what we call divine intervention. This is how Spirit works to orchestrate acts of love and generosity because at the end of the day that’s why we’re here in life, to be the living manifestation of love, an extension of Spirit on Earth.

 The next time you feel a nudge to help others, listen to it and trust that you are being guided to be a channel of love for someone in need. It’s really as simple as that. Deep inside we all have an innate need to pay it forward because this is our true nature, to be loving beings of light. You never know if you might just change someone’s life in the process. Many times, as I channel in a reading, stories like this are conveyed through Spirit to let us know that we’re being watched over. Even if we can’t see it in the moment, we are guided to trust that bigger picture, to live in the moment and take action for the betterment of others. If there’s anything that 2020 has taught us it is to be an extension of that love for all, regardless of our differences. Your inner light, your love, has the power to make this world a better place. One person can set into motion a world of difference.


Embracing the Change


Let Your Intuition Be Your Guide