Let Your Intuition Be Your Guide

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If you know me, you know I am a huge advocate of following intuition. I like to encourage others to do the same. Intuition is that loving voice within, that guiding voice, that protecting voice, that voice that is connected to a higher spiritual realm. This is something we all have access to. Whether I’m channeling Spirit in a reading or teaching a workshop on discovering your own intuitive gifts, the message is clear— we have all been given the gift of intuition. Intuition is a tool that, if used correctly, can save us a lot of headache and allow us to enjoy our lives right now in the present moment, through rewiring our mindset, while also having long term effects on our life path, by guiding our decision making. Used correctly, this can be a powerful practice in our lives. I’d like to share some basic practices that can help you get super-tuned into your divine gift of intuition.

Choose Love Over Fear

If there’s one thing 2020 has brought to light, on a global level, it is our cultural obsession with fear. Yes, there are things out there to fear but we don’t need to consume fear throughout the day. It’s good to be informed, that’s OK, but we don’t need to be consumed by it all day long. We fear the unknown because we can’t control it. We fear losing a loved one, a job, security, even life itself. One thing Spirit has always revealed to me from the very beginning of my journey is that we always have a choice. We can choose to fear the unknown or we can have unwavering faith that we’re being guided by an invisible force. The choice is ours. Neither is wrong or right. It just is. Choosing to redirect fear into faith is definitely a practice that will take some time to get accustomed to, especially if you have lived in fear for a long time—but it is possible. Like breaking a bad habit, a new habit takes consistent practice, and time, before it starts to sink into our subconscious mind—our higher self. I invite you to get into a practice of choosing the loving voice inside and allowing the other voice of fear to fall away. What this comes down to is choice. Choose to redirect your thoughts each time you feel yourself judge. This requires patience. Meditative practices will provide a foundation to understand the difference because meditation is an act of choosing to be present and to listen.

Get Intimate with Your Feelings

Your feelings never lie. They are yours and yours alone. You have a right to them. They are a tool to guide you and to learn from. But if you let fearful feelings guide you then this is counterproductive. You know yourself better than anyone on this planet. Get in touch with that self-knowing. It will help you decipher between what your ego wants to project as reality and what your soul knows to be true. It’s a very powerful awakening when you get into a flow, where you can silence the mind chatter and truly be in alignment with your higher self. Journaling is a great way to unload what your subconscious mind is trying to tell you because it focuses on how you feel and what you think about. By making journaling a consistent practice you will start to release that fear-based-ego-controlled-thinking so that you can reflect upon the truth of the way you think. This will help you to redirect your thoughts and help you to make room for intuitive listening. Be patient and willing.

 Set the Intention

I live my life by intention. Every morning I start with a prayer of protection and then I surround my day in a loving light with the intention of that light reaching whoever is going to be interacting with me on that day. I set the intention that there will be healing and validation from spirit for anyone I meet, for them to remain open with their mind and heart, and to unleash their own inner power for the good of those around them. This is always my intent. You may want to start your day with a loving mantra such as “I will live a life of love and service today.” This is good practice for everyone, especially for those who are experiencing grief. For those who have recently lost a loved one waking up in the morning may seem like a living nightmare. It’s so important to start the day by setting an intention for the day. When we set an intention, we are focusing on keeping our energy light and bright. This is really important for people experiencing grief because grief lowers our energy state. Spirit wants us to raise our vibration so we can keep that connection with the other side. By choosing a positive thought and intention in the morning you will work towards bypassing the fear-based thoughts that weigh you down. You will see a shift throughout your day if you’re open and willing. Try doing this upon waking up, as your first thought before getting out of bed. This helps you guide your mind from the start of the day.

 Trust Your Gut

Our intuition is built into us. It should be as simple as breathing but that is not always the case. The challenge is how we’ve been conditioned. We sometimes let the opinions of others become our narrative and we lose sight of our own opinion, our own voice, and our own intuition. You can try testing your intuition right here and now. Set your intention to intuit who’s going to be calling next, or you could intuit what mail you may be receiving that day and from whom. You can break it down so at first you can ask yourself, “is it a male or female that will call?” When the phone rings, see what your first impression is. Or when the mail arrives ask yourself “Is the mail going to be a bill, an ad, or a letter?” I bet you will be surprised at how accurate your hunch really is. Meeting new people? This is a great tool to use. Your higher self always knows what’s right for you in any given moment. Go within and ask yourself, does this person have my highest good in mind? Will they listen to my feelings? You may have a bad gut reaction now only to push it to the side and realize a long time later that you were completely on point with your feelings. Your soul, your intuition, your higher self, will never lie to you. The information is so lined up that it doesn’t take much effort. The answer is already in front of you. The more you quiet the mind chatter, really align yourself with love and the Spirit voice within you, you will have more trust with your ability over time.

 Claim It to Be True

You often hear me refer to affirmations. Why are affirmations important? It all goes back to the idea of rewiring the mind, which is so important to intuitive work because it’s the way in which we reprogram our old belief system. I assure you that it does work but it also takes a lot of repetition. The difference between intention and affirmation is that intention is the projection, the energetic plan for what we desire, whereas the affirmation is confirmation of something that is true, this helps reprogram our viewpoint of ourselves and others. The affirmation fuels the intention. You may try affirming, “I trust my intuition daily” or “I am intuitive now.” Say it as often as you can. At first, you will notice that fear-based voice come up and tell you all the reasons why that is not true. Don’t listen. Keep repeating. You can try saying a command such as delete or cancel whenever that happens and focus on the affirmation. This is a very powerful tool to unleash your intuitive side. I suggest doing it before you fall asleep at night because this helps to program the subconscious mind while sleeping.

 I really encourage you to meditate in order to quiet your mind chatter. You hear me talk about meditation a lot because it’s really the best way to go within, to discover, and to tap into the innate intuition that we all have. Pray. Prayer is a form of meditation. It’s asking for guidance, for help, and for strength from a higher power. This is a powerful tool to release the need to control outcomes. Do anything you can to break the energy of fear. So many of us are experiencing fear at this pivotal moment in our world. You are not alone. Trust that you have a loving support system around you on the other side and here on Earth. Give your energy to that love and you will see a difference in your daily life. I hope you feel inspired to go within, to trust in yourself, to have faith in your own beautiful power.


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